Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The blueprint of a child's life begins at home.

Children do not come with an understanding of who they are, how they should behave, or what is their potential. A child looks to parents and adults to tell them who they are. If a parent tells a child, "You are a bad kid. You never listen to me." That parent has just provided a blueprint for their child's behavior.

Speak positive, encouraging words to your children. Tell them they are loved. Tell them you are proud of them. Tell them you you are confident in their abilities. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Overcoming Addiction

ACE Overcomers Foundational Truths for Overcoming Addiction

1.I recognize the destructive nature of addiction to my mental, physical, spiritual well-being and the damage it brings to my family and loved ones.

2.I realize that the major factor underlying addiction is my reaction to the adverse childhood experiences of life.

3.I realize that addiction is not a brain disease, nor is it caused by chemical imbalances or genetics, it is the result of a series of decisions based on false perceptions.

4.I realize that seeking chemical relief from past abuse is futile. Using illicit drugs just will not work.

5.I realize that addiction is not due to the molecular structure of the drug, but my attempts to cope with the stress of past abuse and current self-image.

6.I realize that a right relationship with God is my only source for the power to overcome.

7.I take responsibility to overcome starting today.
Copyright ACE Overcomers, 2009

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The blueprint of your life begins at home.

I taught a class of ladies this morning and spoke on self-image. I encouraged them to understand how words affect their children's self-image. One of the ladies shared how her father constantly called her stupid and told her she would never amount to anything.

Parents provide the blueprint from which a child builds their life.

Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."

Provide positive words which a child can build upon. Encourage them, assure them of your love and support. Tell them they can achieve great things with hard work and perseverance.

"Let your speech be alway with grace" Colossians 4:6.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Weaving of Body, Soul & Spirit

We are complex beings, a combination of body, soul, and spirit. This interweaving is so complex, that only the word of God can finely divide the parts (Hebrews 4:12). Many are the stories of men and women whose bodies were broken, but who endured, yea, triumphed, because their faith and spirit would not be broken. Unfortunately, many are the stories of those whose spirits were broken, resulting in lost health and premature death.

Spiritual health is directly tied to emotional and physical health. If you do not have a healthy relationship with God you open the door to become nervous and full of anxiety. That, in turn, can stress the body and psyche.

Your emotional health can be affected by your childhood environment. If you grew up being abused, neglected or witnessing domestic violence, these adverse childhood experiences can have an affect upon the physical wiring of your brain and how you process emotions. Your resting heartrate and your body temperature can be affected by the stress experienced during the formative years of childhood. You can become overly sensitized to physical pain or emotional discomfort so that you lose the ability to sooth yourself in difficult or stressful situations.

Be assured, there is hope. You can retrain your brain and spirit to improve how you react to stress and uncertainty. Among the life-changing principles taught at ACE Overcomer meeetings, we teach strategies to strengthen your emotional and physical processing of stress and panic.

Come to ACE Overcomers Tuesday Nights 7pm 1510 Winton Way, Atwater CA. Call (209) 617-4688 for details.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Addition to Staff.

We are pleased to announce the addition of Jason and Melissa Culver to ACE Overcomers. They are a couple with a heart for God and a desire to help the hurting. Both Jason and Melissa are studying for their masters degree in Biblical Counseling. They are planning to begin an ACE Overcomers program in the Merced area.
Last night at the ACE meeting, Jason gave his testimony and shared the work God has done in his life. Afterwards, many attendees spoke with Jason and Melissa and welcomed them to the program.
Pray for Jason and Melissa as they seek support and begin a new ACE chapter.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Exciting Things Are Going On

Last night we had our highest attendance ever (38). The spirit is great and more people are becoming involved and bringing friends. Some are coming from as far as Modesto and Chowchilla. I teach 10 ladies- five in a recovery home and five at a maternity home. In addition there are people referred to us from local Health and Human Services and local high schools for counseling and advice.

There is a great need for this ministry. I need your help to expand the outreach of ACE Overcomers. We have done very little advertising and we have seen strong growth. Think how many we could help if we had additional resources.

Would you please consider giving to ACE Overcomers? Your gift would enable us to break the cycle of abuse and dysfunction in many families.

WOW. As I was writing this blog I recieved a phone call about additional men and women coming to our Tuesday evening meeting. We may soon be busting out at the seams.

If you can, please send a check to: Community Foundation of Merced- (ACE Overcomers Fund) PO Box 3846 Merced, CA 95344

Your generous gift will give life and hope to a dysfunctional family, and change the future of a child.