Friday, February 15, 2013

We are growing.

Been away far too long from the blog. Working like a madman to prepare for some projects. Beginning late February, I will teach 3 hours a week at Yosemite High in Merced. Yosemite High is an alternative ed site for kids having a difficult time in regular high schools who just need a little more help or encouragement. University of California Merced will study the effectiveness of the program. This series of lessons will enable the students to better understand the connection between adversity in family life and the stress they feel. It uncovers why they have a difficult time concentrating and learning. The program hopes to help them practice self-regulation and learn how to make better decisions. Additionally, we will begin advertising the beginning of a new 12-week ACE Overcomers program. We will provide both faith-based and secular classes. Both classes will be studied by UC Merced for effectiveness. The involvement of UC Merced is the step needed for the ACE Overcomers program to be designated as "evidence-based". When a program becomes recognized as evidence-based, it becomes far more acceptable and can grow quicker. Over the past two years, I have heard testimony after testimony about the life-changing impact of ACE Overcomers. Soon we will have undeniable proof.