Friday, June 10, 2011

The Weaving of Body, Soul & Spirit

We are complex beings, a combination of body, soul, and spirit. This interweaving is so complex, that only the word of God can finely divide the parts (Hebrews 4:12). Many are the stories of men and women whose bodies were broken, but who endured, yea, triumphed, because their faith and spirit would not be broken. Unfortunately, many are the stories of those whose spirits were broken, resulting in lost health and premature death.

Spiritual health is directly tied to emotional and physical health. If you do not have a healthy relationship with God you open the door to become nervous and full of anxiety. That, in turn, can stress the body and psyche.

Your emotional health can be affected by your childhood environment. If you grew up being abused, neglected or witnessing domestic violence, these adverse childhood experiences can have an affect upon the physical wiring of your brain and how you process emotions. Your resting heartrate and your body temperature can be affected by the stress experienced during the formative years of childhood. You can become overly sensitized to physical pain or emotional discomfort so that you lose the ability to sooth yourself in difficult or stressful situations.

Be assured, there is hope. You can retrain your brain and spirit to improve how you react to stress and uncertainty. Among the life-changing principles taught at ACE Overcomer meeetings, we teach strategies to strengthen your emotional and physical processing of stress and panic.

Come to ACE Overcomers Tuesday Nights 7pm 1510 Winton Way, Atwater CA. Call (209) 617-4688 for details.

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