Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Get the word out.

Last night at the ACE Overcomers meeting two new ladies came. One met me in May at the hospital open house and the other came as a result of seeing our poster at the post office. Today I was at the bank and spoke to the teller. I mentioned ACE Overcomers and her eyes lit up as she said, "I've heard of ACE Overcomers. What an awesome program." She has committed to come next Tuesday.
Often our labor has a delayed fuse. It may take months for someone to either work up the courage or find the time to come on Tuesday nights.
The same goes for parenting. Influencing our children for good may seem like a thankless job, but be patient. It is worth the effort.
Help us get the word out. Post this blog address on your Face Book and talk it up. You could help someone looking for hope, someone looking for answers.

Help us do something about abuse.

Open the newspaper and chances are great that you will find a report of child abuse. Though the penalities are stiff and the stigma of being a child abuser can follow you for life, there seems to be no end to the number of men that will abuse innocent children.
Abused children grow up and often cannot leave the pain behind. It affects their self-image and paradigm of family life. They are attracted to the very type of people responsible for their pain. Upheaval and anger is their idea of normal family life. Couple that with self-loathing and you have the recipe for further child abuse.
ACE Overcomers is here to help provide a new way of thinking, a new self-image and a new way of life. But we need your help. There many projects that lack funds. Advertising, brochures, lesson booklets, office supplies, and audio visual equipment are needed but we need your help.
Would you make an unselfish donation to ACE Overcomers today?
At the bottom of this page is a Pay Pal donation button. You can make a difference in the life of an innocent child. You can help bring comfort and hope to someone affected by abuse.
Please make a generous donation today.